Avoid Collections
If you are experiencing difficulty in paying your loan or if you’re facing foreclosure, it’s important to get help. Don’t fall off the face of the earth; CALL US!
Here to Help
Help is a phone call away, and CityMark FCU is here to help
Contact CityMark Federal Credit Union FIRST at (570) 826-8244 to discuss affordable options that may help you. We can assist you with:
Re-evaluation of your loan payment options
Deferment of monthly payments for up to three months
Hardship Skip-a-Payment
Before you call or meet with a credit union representative, be sure to have the following information available:
Your most recent pay stub showing current earnings and two years’ W-2s if you have a history of overtime, bonus, or other verifiable income
Detailed explanation of why you are experiencing a financial hardship
Your current monthly expenses detail
Melissa – Asset Recovery
(570) 826-8244
Contact Melissa